Hari ini well, setengah-setengah.
Oya hari ini si arum dan intan temanku berulang tahun. Let's sing
"...happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday
happy birthday
happy birthday to you..."
Oke gue tau standart. Kasih tau ya kalo ada lagu happy birthday yang baru. Ha. Mestinya sih hari ini gue masuk dan ngucapin langsung. Tapi i'm too lazy to wake up early, everyone should have a holiday, right? even it's only 1 day....... (membela diri) tapi bener loh kayaknya gue itu kemaren2 kalo mau bangun siang aja kayaknya susaaaaaah banget. Jujur aja, i don't really like being very busy. Suka sih, tapi lama2 cape juga. Nevermind, karna hari ini gue bisa bangun siang. Oh god i love sleep.
Hari ini gue pagi2 ke sency sama dinda, trus ke hokben ultahnya egha. Pas nyampe sency, NIATnya pengen beli tiket javajazz yang sabtu beserta special shownya di counter axis. Tapi ternyata.........................
Gue: mba, mau tiket daily passnya javajazz yang sabtu dong sama special shownya
Mba: sebentar ya dek.......blablabla(ngomong sama temennya)
Gue: gimana mba?
Mba: ada sih, tapi tinggal satu dek..
Gue:(dalem ati) yes! yes! yes! pas banget! /special show nya ada mba?
Mba:(ngecek2 di komputer) abis mba.
Sumpah ya, mematahkan harapan banget. Pas gue tanya yang di counter semanggi masih ada apa ngga, gak bisa dihubungin. Kampret dasar axis.
Akhirnya gue sama dinda jalan2 menghibur diri. Karna gue kesel, gue belanja baju. Haha. Pelampiasan. Abis itu cari2 kado buat egha. And then kita langsung cabut ke Hokben. Ah gilaaa gak sabar banget ketemu temen2 smp hihi. Abis nyampe biasalah gue langsung tereak2 gitu peluk2in (tapi yang cowo ngga huek) dan ber alay2. Terus makan2 lah gitu2.
Terusssssss kan udah sore gitu, kita sepakat kerumah acha. Dan perjalanan kerumah acha itu, gue bawa mobil sendiri. WOW men. Belagu sekali si ajeng ini. Belom lancar aja udah berani2. Untung semua selamet. Tapi tetep aja dalem perjalanan banyak motor2 dan angkot kampret. Gue baru ngerasain keselnya orang kalo disalip2. Ha. Big experience guys, don't tell my mother cause she'll angry! Sampe dirumah acha ngobrol2 gitu deh sampe malem.
Pokoknya hari ini menyenangkan! Hope tomorrow will be better than today. Amin!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
halo halo semuanya!
setelah melewati masa2 kader dan pelantikan......... akhirnya sodara sodara si ajeng ini jadi ang mesis juga lho hahahaha! walopun pas pelantikan gue mengalami cedera dan hipotermia dan sakit2 lainnya, pada akhirnya semua perjuanganku telah terbayarkan. cie haha. buat yang masih jadi semang dan caang tetep semangat ya! kita semua pasti bantuin kalian hehe
pengen cerita pelantikan nih.....
pokoknya kita dateng pagi2 dengan kostum yang gerah, baju or didobel2 sama baju kebanggaan kita nyaha i mean baju angkatan yang berwarna coklat(belinya setengah mati) dengan nametag yang bagus, eh bneran bagus loh cuma fotonya aja kayak orang idiot jadi merusak hahaha. oya terus sama kaos kaki bola warna kuning jreng jreng jeng banget yang dipake di luar celana olahraga. you know, celana or gue kan ngepas banget -_- dengan kostum itulah kami mengawali dan mengakhiri kegiatan. mandi? jangan harap.
kita kesana naik tronton, bagi yang gak tau kasian. haha. terus sampe sana dikasih pengarahan2 gitu, trus kita naik ke pos nya mesis. dan pas sampe atas kaki gue udah sakit aja tuh padahal belom ngapa2in, emang dasarnya kagak pernah olahraga sih haha. abis itu kegiatan2 nya disana banyak deh seputar tensi dan bayar seri. nah pas bayar seri itu kan tahan setengah, disinilah kecelakaan terjadi, kaki gue tiba2 oh my god banget sakiiiiiiiiit banget. ternyata kram zzzz dan kalo gue blg sakit itu bener2 sakit banget, orang gue aja sampe nangis ngeraung2. yaudah tuh akhirnya kaka2nya baik banget deh mau nolongin gue. pokoknya dari situ gue sakit2an dan gak ikut kegiatan ah menye kesel banget sumpah. (fyi gue emang abis sembuh dari sakit) makanya kegiatan nya gak bisa gue posting semua -_- maaf yaa
oya padahal ada kegiatannya yang kocak kayak yel-yel sama nama bagus. kalo yang yel-yel itu gue ikut, itu juga pake maksa2 dulu haha. tpi yang nama bagus ngga, karna gue udah tepar banget zzzzzz trus pagi2nya hipotermia ku kambuh karena memang disana dingin banget parah. sampe nangis lagi gue. dan gue tambah nangis waktu kakaknya nyebutin "ajeng, ang" oh my gue terharu. serius deh. dan ya pokoknya abis disebutin gt2nya kita pulang pagi2, naik tronton juga, sampe sekolah kita ngucapin sumpah ang bareng2. karna udah kegerahan dan gak enak badan banget jadinya abis itu gue langsung pulang deh. for you know aja ya sampe rumah nyokap gue langsung menjudge kalo gue bau sampah huahahau oya malemnya gue demam lagi zzzz
naaaaaaah dan sekarang abis selesai kader, kita ada tugas jualin takitri, majalah sekolah. keren lho! haha. so far sih kelas gue alhamdulillah udah ngejual 39 buah, dan kelas2 lain tampaknya juga laku haha. semoga takitri kejual semua amiiiiiiiiiiiiin!
oya, kan abis ini ada lks, kayak terusannya kader tapi buat yang mau po, tapi ketua2 subsie itu diambil dari yang lks juga. pengen sih lks smpah deh pengen. tapi takutnya capek, karna itu agak lama. tapi pengen juga! gimana ya? bingung...................!
setelah melewati masa2 kader dan pelantikan......... akhirnya sodara sodara si ajeng ini jadi ang mesis juga lho hahahaha! walopun pas pelantikan gue mengalami cedera dan hipotermia dan sakit2 lainnya, pada akhirnya semua perjuanganku telah terbayarkan. cie haha. buat yang masih jadi semang dan caang tetep semangat ya! kita semua pasti bantuin kalian hehe
pengen cerita pelantikan nih.....
pokoknya kita dateng pagi2 dengan kostum yang gerah, baju or didobel2 sama baju kebanggaan kita nyaha i mean baju angkatan yang berwarna coklat(belinya setengah mati) dengan nametag yang bagus, eh bneran bagus loh cuma fotonya aja kayak orang idiot jadi merusak hahaha. oya terus sama kaos kaki bola warna kuning jreng jreng jeng banget yang dipake di luar celana olahraga. you know, celana or gue kan ngepas banget -_- dengan kostum itulah kami mengawali dan mengakhiri kegiatan. mandi? jangan harap.
kita kesana naik tronton, bagi yang gak tau kasian. haha. terus sampe sana dikasih pengarahan2 gitu, trus kita naik ke pos nya mesis. dan pas sampe atas kaki gue udah sakit aja tuh padahal belom ngapa2in, emang dasarnya kagak pernah olahraga sih haha. abis itu kegiatan2 nya disana banyak deh seputar tensi dan bayar seri. nah pas bayar seri itu kan tahan setengah, disinilah kecelakaan terjadi, kaki gue tiba2 oh my god banget sakiiiiiiiiit banget. ternyata kram zzzz dan kalo gue blg sakit itu bener2 sakit banget, orang gue aja sampe nangis ngeraung2. yaudah tuh akhirnya kaka2nya baik banget deh mau nolongin gue. pokoknya dari situ gue sakit2an dan gak ikut kegiatan ah menye kesel banget sumpah. (fyi gue emang abis sembuh dari sakit) makanya kegiatan nya gak bisa gue posting semua -_- maaf yaa
oya padahal ada kegiatannya yang kocak kayak yel-yel sama nama bagus. kalo yang yel-yel itu gue ikut, itu juga pake maksa2 dulu haha. tpi yang nama bagus ngga, karna gue udah tepar banget zzzzzz trus pagi2nya hipotermia ku kambuh karena memang disana dingin banget parah. sampe nangis lagi gue. dan gue tambah nangis waktu kakaknya nyebutin "ajeng, ang" oh my gue terharu. serius deh. dan ya pokoknya abis disebutin gt2nya kita pulang pagi2, naik tronton juga, sampe sekolah kita ngucapin sumpah ang bareng2. karna udah kegerahan dan gak enak badan banget jadinya abis itu gue langsung pulang deh. for you know aja ya sampe rumah nyokap gue langsung menjudge kalo gue bau sampah huahahau oya malemnya gue demam lagi zzzz
naaaaaaah dan sekarang abis selesai kader, kita ada tugas jualin takitri, majalah sekolah. keren lho! haha. so far sih kelas gue alhamdulillah udah ngejual 39 buah, dan kelas2 lain tampaknya juga laku haha. semoga takitri kejual semua amiiiiiiiiiiiiin!
oya, kan abis ini ada lks, kayak terusannya kader tapi buat yang mau po, tapi ketua2 subsie itu diambil dari yang lks juga. pengen sih lks smpah deh pengen. tapi takutnya capek, karna itu agak lama. tapi pengen juga! gimana ya? bingung...................!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
i take this from my alay friend named haidar. it's like a game.
the rules are:
Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.” After that tag 10 People.
but i make my own rules: i choose the first picture on the first page, it's more fun!
here it is:
The age of my next birthday
do you all understand? ini seakan2 bilang umur lo bakal ancur jeng seperti gambar ini zzzz jangan dong. i put "16" in the box and i found it for the first picture. information below the picture is: ........taken on september 16 1981 -___- dont believe? just check it. and yes, my next age is 16
A place i'd like to travel to
it's really a modern place...... ah ada yang mau bayarin gue kesana gak? oh iya bagi yang gaktau (CIH) ini NY time square
Favourite place
i put "my house" in the box, even it isn't my house ....... lol
Favourite food
not sate, but indonesian food. hehe i'm indonesian's tongue. actually i don't really like western food like pasta, or japan food like sushi, hm. i'm the real indonesian
Favourite things
i didn't put "pink", or "make up" i just put girl stuffs. it's natutally for a girl, right? but what i mean is like clothes, or heels, or whatever. but i don't refuse make up, actually. :p
Favourite color
simple, blue colors. everyone know it.
A city where i was born
it's look like some bridge in los angeles i forget that name, but i did not born in los angeles haha. i was born in palembang. it's ampera bidge, cool right?
A city wich i have ever lived in
bekasi. actually i've found the symbol in first picture but there's something wrong on it so i choose second picture. it's one of bekasi's street
A nickname i have
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA so sorry to who have this face but that's what i found on first picture huhuhuhu big big sooorryyyyyyy. at first i only put "ajeng" but the result is oh i don't want to describe, just check if you're embittered. so i put "namaku ajeng" and found this. sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
College Major
i just can pray and pray and pray.............
Name of my love
no comment. but, it's cute, isn't it?
A bad habit
actually it's peaople's bad habit, not only me......... haha
A hobby
yeah......... new hobby dude :ppp
okey then the end! tired enough to finished it. tomorrow i gotta go to school, huhu i hate it. i want my weekend again! huh. btw, how about your weekend guys? fun? good.
the rules are:
Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.” After that tag 10 People.
but i make my own rules: i choose the first picture on the first page, it's more fun!
here it is:
The age of my next birthday

A place i'd like to travel to

Favourite place
Favourite food

Favourite things

Favourite color

A city where i was born

A city wich i have ever lived in

A nickname i have

College Major

Name of my love

A bad habit

A hobby

okey then the end! tired enough to finished it. tomorrow i gotta go to school, huhu i hate it. i want my weekend again! huh. btw, how about your weekend guys? fun? good.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
i almost forgot to post this, luck i'm remember hehe
i just want to say
i just want to say
she's one of my crazy bestfriend lol wish her all the very best and don't forget to make a party, i wait it! hehe. unfortunately today i can't meet her because of this fucked sickiness, so sorry ca :( i hope today will be special day for you
big hug and kiss muach
big hug and kiss muach
saturday nothing
today i woke up at ten :p and headache again, my parent are leaving home. and at one i really hungry but i can't find food, my maid didn't cook this morning, so i decided to order kfc :p junkfood. it's really food of junk :pppp i know it's unhealthy. and i did nothing today, i felt weak (HAHA) it's true. i'm still sick -_- so i've stay at home and just surfing the internet. checking my facebook, watching on youtube and browsing on some website. and after hours i really bored, so leasurelly i open friendster HAHAHA. just for fun i did not mean anything. it's pointless. BUT SUDDENLY I FOUND SOMETHING ON SOMEONE'S PROFILE. IT'S REALLY REALLY SURPRISING ME. and it make me laugh like a drain hahaha, so sorry, but your profile really raise a laugh especially for me hehe. ok then, um what else, oh and i still not shower yet. and i've been waiting a new news (new news? whatever.) from my friend all day but until now they didn't online :'( ok then i gotta go shower now before my mother come, bye dude :x
Friday, February 13, 2009
and more problem
hello you guys how are you? i'm bad, actually. why? because i got sick now, ah it's terrible because in the past i rarely got sick. huh.
this morning i was out of sorts and ran a temperatur but i imposed to go to school. and yes, after hours (in school) this sickiness was getting more and more. at first, i want to ask for permission to go home. but i canceled it because after school end i must go to my friend's house to discuss some task err. but when school's end i felt really bad and i called my mother to pick me up. so, i went home and canceled to go to my friend's house.
i feel guilty because i did nothing i'm so sorry guys :'(
at first i want to go to doctor with my mom but after i arrived home, she wasn't there. so i directly sleep because i was so tired and bad. after about 4 hours my mother woke me up and gave me a medicine. i realized that now i really got fever. aaand then i checked my phone and surprised there were 5 messages from caang and give me some information about something. and i was shock. really. at that time my headache getting more, it's true.
there was many questions in my mind. how can.......? ah. something happened. i was so embittered so i called my friend to explain what happened. and yes, i can't stop starled. it was serious condition. i really really felt guilty because i did not with them and help even a little. big big sorry guys huhu
and tomorrow i dont know i will go to school or not because my mother told me that i must bedrest if i want get well, oh and she told me that i have to go to doctor too. i hate it. i hate hospital -_- i really hope tomorrow i can recover. so, no need to do it. beside that, i have to attend 'clinics'. it really important because it help me to go to science class even i don't really want to.............
pray for me guys! kiss and hug
this morning i was out of sorts and ran a temperatur but i imposed to go to school. and yes, after hours (in school) this sickiness was getting more and more. at first, i want to ask for permission to go home. but i canceled it because after school end i must go to my friend's house to discuss some task err. but when school's end i felt really bad and i called my mother to pick me up. so, i went home and canceled to go to my friend's house.
i feel guilty because i did nothing i'm so sorry guys :'(
at first i want to go to doctor with my mom but after i arrived home, she wasn't there. so i directly sleep because i was so tired and bad. after about 4 hours my mother woke me up and gave me a medicine. i realized that now i really got fever. aaand then i checked my phone and surprised there were 5 messages from caang and give me some information about something. and i was shock. really. at that time my headache getting more, it's true.
there was many questions in my mind. how can.......? ah. something happened. i was so embittered so i called my friend to explain what happened. and yes, i can't stop starled. it was serious condition. i really really felt guilty because i did not with them and help even a little. big big sorry guys huhu
and tomorrow i dont know i will go to school or not because my mother told me that i must bedrest if i want get well, oh and she told me that i have to go to doctor too. i hate it. i hate hospital -_- i really hope tomorrow i can recover. so, no need to do it. beside that, i have to attend 'clinics'. it really important because it help me to go to science class even i don't really want to.............
pray for me guys! kiss and hug
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee please please please stop it!!!!!!!!!
it'll kill me god. i don't even care about you, he she they whats ever. actually i don't know what to say err i just wanna spill out my complaint about all my problem but i know this blog is for public so i can't text it all here sorry guys but i'm sure many of my friend know about my problem because i always share anything to my friend ok it's unimportant
aaaaand what else
um oh and there's something chase me all day and non-stop, for you know. do you guys want to know? let me tell you? ok it's..........................task. yeah i'm bored, i'm tired, but i must accept and do it as fast as i can. if not, my task will be heaping and heaping and taa-daa! ha i think i don't need to continue.
hah and you know what guys now its eleven ohmyshit i must go to bed now ok by all muach
it'll kill me god. i don't even care about you, he she they whats ever. actually i don't know what to say err i just wanna spill out my complaint about all my problem but i know this blog is for public so i can't text it all here sorry guys but i'm sure many of my friend know about my problem because i always share anything to my friend ok it's unimportant
aaaaand what else
um oh and there's something chase me all day and non-stop, for you know. do you guys want to know? let me tell you? ok it's..........................task. yeah i'm bored, i'm tired, but i must accept and do it as fast as i can. if not, my task will be heaping and heaping and taa-daa! ha i think i don't need to continue.
hah and you know what guys now its eleven ohmyshit i must go to bed now ok by all muach
Sunday, February 8, 2009
udah lama deh gak blogging
i'm not lazy, but i'm busy. BUSY
how can anastasia ajeng be busy????
the answer is: ..........................................
i don't know. so many activities that seized my time. like task from teacher and so on aaaaaaaaand one thing that really really make me soo busy like go home late, be a miss ring ring is kaderisasi. yes it is. so many story about it.
kapan2 aja ya haha males cerita nanti aja ya
love my new family kacccccccccang muachhh
udah lama deh gak blogging
i'm not lazy, but i'm busy. BUSY
how can anastasia ajeng be busy????
the answer is: ..........................................
i don't know. so many activities that seized my time. like task from teacher and so on aaaaaaaaand one thing that really really make me soo busy like go home late, be a miss ring ring is kaderisasi. yes it is. so many story about it.
kapan2 aja ya haha males cerita nanti aja ya
love my new family kacccccccccang muachhh
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