Friday, February 13, 2009

and more problem

hello you guys how are you? i'm bad, actually. why? because i got sick now, ah it's terrible because in the past i rarely got sick. huh.
this morning i was out of sorts and ran a temperatur but i imposed to go to school. and yes, after hours (in school) this sickiness was getting more and more. at first, i want to ask for permission to go home. but i canceled it because after school end i must go to my friend's house to discuss some task err. but when school's end i felt really bad and i called my mother to pick me up. so, i went home and canceled to go to my friend's house.
i feel guilty because i did nothing i'm so sorry guys :'(
at first i want to go to doctor with my mom but after i arrived home, she wasn't there. so i directly sleep because i was so tired and bad. after about 4 hours my mother woke me up and gave me a medicine. i realized that now i really got fever. aaand then i checked my phone and surprised there were 5 messages from caang and give me some information about something. and i was shock. really. at that time my headache getting more, it's true.
there was many questions in my mind. how can.......? ah. something happened. i was so embittered so i called my friend to explain what happened. and yes, i can't stop starled. it was serious condition. i really really felt guilty because i did not with them and help even a little. big big sorry guys huhu
and tomorrow i dont know i will go to school or not because my mother told me that i must bedrest if i want get well, oh and she told me that i have to go to doctor too. i hate it. i hate hospital -_- i really hope tomorrow i can recover. so, no need to do it. beside that, i have to attend 'clinics'. it really important because it help me to go to science class even i don't really want to.............

pray for me guys! kiss and hug

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